About Aggravated DWI Charges in Texas
In Texas, an aggravated DWI means that certain factors have made the drunk driving offense more severe than usual. These factors significantly impact conviction penalties and sentencing, making the need for an aggressive defense more critical than ever.
DWI aggravating factors may include:
- Driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.15% or higher
- The presence of a minor in the vehicle
- Incidents resulting in bodily injury or fatalities.
What To Do If You Are Arrested for Aggravated DWI in Georgetown
If arrested for an aggravated DWI, knowing the proper steps can make a critical difference in the outcome of your case. You are strongly encouraged to contact an attorney who is experienced in defending aggravated DWI cases in Texas immediately.
These are essential steps to take following an aggravated DWI arrest:
- Request Legal Representation: Ask to speak with an attorney as soon as possible to help navigate your rights and the best course of action.
- Exercise Your Right to Remain Silent: Politely refuse to answer any questions or discuss your case with anyone until your attorney is present.
- Calmly Follow Officer Instructions: While you should remain silent, it's also important to comply with procedural demands such as fingerprinting or mugshots.
Penalties & Long-Term Impacts
The consequences of an aggravated DWI are severe and carry long-term repercussions. The impacts of an aggravated DWI conviction may also affect your life beyond the immediate punitive penalties. For example, you may lose your driving privileges permanently, struggle to secure employment, and suffer socially from a damaged reputation. Similarly, an aggravated DWI conviction on your permanent record can also negatively impact other legal matters you may face in the future.
Here's how the charges and penalties escalate due to aggravating factors:
- BAC of 0.15% or higher: Classified as a Class A misdemeanor, offenders might face up to 1 year in jail and fines up to $4,000.
- A minor is present in the vehicle: This is considered a state jail felony, potentially leading to 2 years of imprisonment and fines up to $10,000.
- Causing serious bodily injury: Incurs a third-degree felony, with penalties including up to 10 years in prison and up to $10,000 in fines.
- Causing a fatality: Classified as a second-degree felony, the offender could face up to 20 years in prison and fines up to $10,000.
Other penalties may include license suspension, probation, additional state fines, community service, mandatory installation of an ignition interlock device, and required completion of an alcohol education program.

A Proven History Of Success
No Charges Filed Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon
We represented a woman under investigation for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and assault family violence. By demonstrating she was actually the victim and providing key evidence to authorities, we prevented any charges from being filed against her.
Case Dismissed Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon
Our client was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon family violence. We were able to get the case reduced to a misdemeanor and ultimately dismissed.
Case Rejected Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Child
We represented a client charged with aggravated sexual assault of a child. By acting early, reviewing the evidence thoroughly, and providing key information to the prosecutor, we built a strong defense that led to the case being no-billed and rejected.
Case dismissed Assault Causes Bodily Injury of a Family Member
We represented a young man charged with assault causing bodily injury to a family member. After conducting our own investigation into the alleged victim, we met with the prosecutor, and the county attorney declined to prosecute the case.
Case Dismissed Assault causing bodily injury
We represented a woman accused of assault causing bodily injury with family violence. Through our experience as former prosecutors, we were able to point out certain evidence that showed our client was the true victim, which resulted in her case being dismissed in the interest of justice.
Contact Winters & Chidester Today
At Winters & Chidester, we understand what you are up against and are here to help. As former prosecutors and seasoned trial attorneys, we are in a position to offer assertive and informed defense services, no matter what the aggravating factors of your DWI case are. We are fearless in fighting for our clients and never back down when faced with prosecutors’ intimidation tactics.
Remember, immediate legal assistance can be a game-changer in an aggravated DWI case. At Winters & Chidester, we aim to fight for your freedom and future by helping you build a robust defense. Don't let this moment define you. Reach out to our Georgetown-based firm.
To discuss your legal options, contact us online or call (512) 961-4555. For your convenience, our firm provides services in both English and Spanish.